Sunday, September 5, 2010

I am certified football junkie

Aloha Stadium, Oahu, Hawaii during USC vs UH 2010 kick-off game
So yeah we went to the game last Thursday and it was great :-) . I personally had a blast, thanks to my sponsor (my husband) lol.

Yeah, I admit, I am a football junkie; I was even glued on my TV today, watching all of those college football games that's televised.

LSU looks promising this year, it's only sad that they are also penalized (just like my USC :( ). I heard that they also can't go to any bowls this year.

UNM's (University of New Mexico) game was a disaster, they scored zero against Oregon (the ducks) that scored 72. I feel for NM but oh well, that's how football is.

Also, Oregon State and TCU's game was was very competitive and was very fun to watch (that's for the lack of word, I don't know how to describe it but it was a good game). So if you're a football junkie like me, YOU SHOULD or else you're missing half of your life LOL.

Right now, I am looking forward on watching the NFL kick-off next week :P

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